Sunday, April 3, 2011

How to Make Delicious Sushi

While many types of fish can be eaten, not all of them are safe for you to eat raw. Raw fish has been used in the Japanese cuisine for hundreds or years, although it has just been popular in the Western world for a couple of decades. One great way to consume fish raw is to make your own sushi. If you are not sure which options are okay to eat raw, here are some helpful tips that can help you to choose the right options for great sushi that is totally safe for you.

Types of Fish that are Safe:

Various types of fish can be eaten raw. One of the most common options is tuna. Any type of tuna can be eaten raw, including bonito, bluefin, bigeye, yellowfin, albacore, and skipjack. Both flounder and halibut can be eaten raw, as can salmon, although you need to be careful if you go with salmon. Various forms of mackerel can be served in sushi when treated correctly. Various bass like fish, including snapper, seabass, and porgies can be eaten raw, although they are usually treated first.

Know Where Your Fish is Coming From:

Now that you know what types of fish are safe for your raw sushi, it is also important to consider where these products are coming from as well. Usually you will find that fish that comes from Japan, the United States, Britain, Canada, Norway, or New Zealand are going to be fine. All of these countries have standards in cleanliness that are very strict so you do not have to worry about dealing with any parasites in most cases.

Freezing Before Using:

Parasites can be common even in the best fish options. For this reason, many people choose to freeze the fish they want to eat raw. Freezing often will eliminate most of the parasites that can be found. Some raw options need to be treated with vinegar to eliminate certain types of parasites as well.

Ensure its Freshness:

As you are choosing the fish to make your own sushi, it is also very important to make sure that it is very fresh. If it has not been treated well, it is not going to be a great option for raw consumption. The best options for your sushi include options that have been quickly caught, bled when captured, gutted quickly, and then iced.

Tuna Sushi Recipe:

Sushi is simple to make. Fresh tuna of high quality should always be used, which will give you tasty sushi rolls that taste amazing. Here is an easy recipe that you can quickly make.

What You'll Need:

    # 2 cups of cooked sushi rice
    # 8 ounces of fresh tuna fillets, raw
    # 1-2 tablespoons of wasabi paste, added to taste

How to Make:

Take tuna fillets and slice them into ½ inch rectangles that are about ¼ inch in thickness. With your right hand, take a bit of the sushi rice, using your hands to form them into rectangles about the same size as the slices of tuna. On the tuna slices, spread a small amount of wasabi paste. Top with the block of rice, pressing to help shape your sushi. Repeat with the rest of the ingredients and then serve.