Friday, March 25, 2011

Tips on How to Use Ginger

Ginger is the root or rhizome of the Zingiber officinal plant. It originated in Asia and has spread throughout the warmer parts of the world. The root is chunky like a tuber, and has a thin, light brown skin and a beige flesh on the inside.

Ginger is available year round in most grocery stores, and can be purchased fresh, in powder, or in crystallized form. Fresh is always best, as it still contains higher amounts of gingerols and shogaols, which are the volatile oils that give the ginger its rich spicy flavor. In addition these oils are powerful antioxidants which help to remove toxins and reduce inflammation.

Adding ginger to your diet is very easy, as ginger is known to add zest to just about any meal, whether raw or cooked.

Salad Dressings

Juice the ginger and mix with olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt and drizzle over all of your favorite vegetable and garden salads. To obtain the juice from the ginger, simply grate and use a cheese cloth to press the juice from the fiber.


Marinades can be used with just about any baked, steamed or barbecued dish. To make the marinade simply mix your favorite ingredients such as grated ginger, minced garlic, cilantro, shallots, lime or lemon juice, your favorite fruit juice such as apple, orange, pineapple or grape, as well as your favorite oil, and sea salt and pepper to taste. To sweeten the marinade you can add honey or agave nectar.


Coat your vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and onions with olive oil and sprinkle with grated ginger and minced garlic before baking. Not only will the spices enhance the flavor of your vegetables, but the rich aroma will fill the house as well.

Fruit Salads

Ginger juice goes well when drizzled over fresh fruits such as pineapples, mangoes, oranges, peaches and pears.

Fresh Juice

If you enjoy making your own freshly squeezed fruit juices, then you will love the zing that ginger can add to it. It goes great with pineapple, mango, orange, grapefruit, grape, pear and banana juices.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is one of my favorite ways to enjoy the aromatic spicy taste of ginger. Simply grate the ginger and steep for about 10 minutes. Then add in some cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and agave nectar, and sit back and relax as you sip your tea.


If you prefer a cool drink then you will enjoy ginger lemonade to help cool you down on a hot summer day. Grate your ginger and steep in 1/2 cup of hot water for about 10 minutes. Drain and allow the ginger water to cool for about 30 minutes. Add more water and ice along with fresh lemon and honey. Enjoy!


Ginger juice also goes well in your morning coffee. For an even spicier taste, add cinnamon as well.


Grated ginger is very popular in just about any kind of stir-fry. Not only does it bring out the flavor in your vegetables, but it also adds a sweet aroma to your kitchen to help you enjoy your meal.

Rice Dishes

Ginger is the perfect way to bring your rice dishes to life. You can basically add the ginger in any way that you like, but one great way of adding the ginger is to saute it before adding it to your fried rice.